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July 31. 2021

Friday the 30th of July, a new song titled “The Trap” was be released on various streaming platforms. The track is the result of a collaboration between Icelandic musician “Weekendson” and Michel Sadler, mostly known as the frontman of the Canadian prog-rock band SAGA.

SAGA have been active since 1977 and they’ve played relentlessly all around the world for over forty years. Still going strong, this spring they released their album number twenty-two, called “Symmetry”.

SAGA are following up the record with a tour, starting in Europe, but they have a huge number of loyal fans all over the world, having had hits such as “Wind Him Up” and “On The Loose” (no. 3 in the US) and “The Flyer”

“Weekendson” (whose real name is Jón Þór Helgason) released his first record in 2019, and has released a few singles since then.

When he started working on the new single, “The Trap”, he soon realized that it wasn’t meant for him to sing, but that Michael Sadler would be perfect for it. So, instead of just daydreaming about it, he decided to take the leap, and try to contact Sadler. He found Sadler’s agent, and sent them the demo. Sadler loved it right away, and was more than happy to collaborate, and the two, Weekendson and Sadler, worked closely together to finish the track.

Fun fact: Michael Sadler isn’t the only member of SAGA performing on the track, as SAGA’s drummer, Mike Thorne, plays the drums on it. Thorne also plays drums on Weekendson’s “The Clown” which was released last April, as well as other tracks Weekendson is working on.

“The Trap” was released on Spotify and most streaming platforms on July 30.

Music and lyrics by Weekendson (Jón Þór Helgason) and Michael Sadler

Lead vocals: Michael Sadler

Guitar: Jón Þór Helgason

Guitar solo: Hrafnkell Gauti Sigurðsson

Bass: Andy Warner

Keyboards: Gabriel Crespo

Backing vocals: Íris Eysteinsdóttir (Irisey)

Produced by Weekendson (Jón Þór Helgason)

Mixed by Gísli Kjaran Kristjánsson

Mastered by Njal Frode Lie

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May 1. 2021

New Weekendson song, The Clown was released April 30 on all major streaming services. And a video for the song as well on You-tube. Check it out on Spotify or You-tube.



January 30. 2021

Weekendson and Doddi released a song together January 1. The song is about friendship. Hoping that we will make the year 2021 about our friends. Last year was hard for everyone. But Weekendson´s and Doddi´s friendship helped each other a lot. Friendship can save lives. So we are going to make this year to do more for our friends. And meet and hug each other after we get our vaccine. We had help from our friends around the world recording this song. You can listen to the song on Spotify, or see our video on Youtube. Click on the photo to watch on Youtube.



July 12. 2020

On july 3. Weekendson released a new song. He got "Irisey" to sing it for him. It´s different then all other Weekendson Songs. It has a story. It was written when a close family member took his own life. He was was just a child. The news of hiss death made Weekendson wright this song to help him, and hopefully others through a loss like that. Irisey does a wonderful job singing the song.

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December 18. 2019

A brand new song was released by Weekendson on December 20. The song is called "The Blurry Brain", and is a Christmas present from Weekendson to Weekendson. "I got challenged to write an instrumental song, so I did. It was written and recorded while I was going through some personal depression. And always felt like my brain was blurry, and that I had no control over it."

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August 26. 2019

"Simultaneously being a music lover and cynic, I am usually hard-pressed to easily accept new music by an artist I don’t know much about. I am used to the few listens it takes for me to decide what I really think about a project. 

“Weekendson” convinced me immediately, and is still convincing after several days of heavy rotation.

This album gives me the impression of an artist performing and recording at their highest caliber. The album, both as a whole and divided into single pieces, works flawlessly."

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Weekendson album out now

From Iceland Europe, Comes Weekendson. With his first self titled album out now on every streaming service in the world (almost). Working on album number two.

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The Clown
Stay (feat Irisey)
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Weekendson album reviews



“The album features 10 original songs, each blurring the lines between different idea and concepts. What I love about this release is definitely the fact that he combines seamless melodies with lush acoustic landscapes and energetic rhythm sections to finish it off. One of the most distinctive thread lines throughout the entire album is how kaleidoscopic it is. Each song brings a breath of fresh air to the playlist, and there are so many different influences fueling this release.”


“Weekendson’s self-titled album proves to be an incomparable piece of art for the ages. Weekendson has a way of piercing into our hearts and minds with songs that open us up internally and take us space where we can all the world from this very same vantage point and for that we are forever grateful.”


“Overall, this is a very strong collection of pop/rock songs that proves Weekendson deserves to be recognized worldwide as a very fine songwriter who has honed his craft over many years. His songs are emotive and relatable, running the gamut of life’s vicissitudes with honesty and truth and composed with a natural flair for melody. Who knows, with enough exposure he could build a big enough fan base to make music his full time living, and that scenario would be richly deserved.”

Music Mass


“Through all of Weekendon's music, he maintains a high quality of vocals from track to track. His vocals are warm and crispy.”

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This is Weekendson

Weekendson is an Icelandic musician. He has been playing for many many years, Usually in a cover band. But always writing songs. This is the first time he does something with his songs. So the self titled album "Weekendson" is out now on every streaming service in the world. Working on album number two. It´s going to be better, more personal, and darker.

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